Sunday, September 16, 2012

Days 12 & 13: Stir-crazy

I'm a workaholic who is about to go on her fourth week of being unemployed. Money-wise, it's not ideal but this is less of a concern then how mentally and emotionally stir-crazy I'm going.

Sure, there is plenty to do around here and I've been going out on mini adventures every day. I have an apartment to unpack and set up. I'm not a domestic person so organizing and decorating is two of my least favorite activities of all time, so there are still more boxes then most people would be comfortable with. I'm not comfortable with it either, but I need to break it up into little chunks here and there.

I was hanging out with improvisers on Friday (yes, I live blocks from the improv theater ), talking about period of my life where I stopped doing comedy and how I felt like I wasn't funny any more. My friend said something that really nailed it, that when you're too immersed in something and that's all you do,  you fall too far away from the source. 

I think that sums it up well.

So I've been thinking about that line a lot, what the source could be, and where could I find it again. One of the reasons why I left New York is because I felt like I was in "Groundhog Day". Wake up ever so slightly late for work, shower, same jokes and same songs from Rosenberg and Cipha Sound, traffic in the same spots, clears up in the same spots, morning to the receptionist, order egg, cheese, and something on a roll from Castillo, workcrisiskidsworkcrisiskidswork, whoops forgot to eat lunch, go home and watch TV with roommates/go out to one of 4 places with one of 4 people, bed, wake up...In this instance, my source was my job and while there is nothing wrong with your career being a large part of your identity, it was the vast majority of mine. This was not good for any area of my life, but it was hard to change it up. Overall, productivity was a stagnant stream.  

Granted, the monotony is a bit exaggerated for effect and I definitely tried in my last year or so to do different things. There was Knicks Friday, where Stephen and I went to a different bar to watch the Knicks game in a different neighborhood. Epic Bike Ride Saturday was a great way to go along the same streets but from a very different view. I made an effort to hang out with people while I was trying to do new things. Notice how everything had a grand title. If you're not overstimulated in New York City, then maybe it need not be a big thing to throw you off the loop you're on.

I've been exploring my neighborhood a bit, walking or biking on a non-internet connected tour of the coffee shops in my area, working on the manuscript I started for Camp NaNoWriMo in August. For once, I live in the cool neighborhood and not on the outskirts of a not-hip one. My car hasn't moved in days and I'm setting impressive writing goals for myself (and up until today I have been hitting them). I think I might take an improv class again. I should do more yoga since I found a studio I like. I'm sure one of these things will reconnect me with my source. 

Or point me in the direction of what or where my source is.

I purposefully left my phone at home to cut down on distractions so I can't post the picture I want to take right now of this cat curled up and knocked out on a chair at the table next to me. 

1 comment:

  1. oooh, the days when i would sit in your unpacked boxes :D
