Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 58: A Marigny Halloween

I am not a Halloween person inherently. I cannot remember the last time I dressed up in a costume (outside of the Idoitarod 2012). It's not the concept that bothers me, but I'm just not big on costuming it up. Here people have costume closets.

Sexy Ben Franklin and Babe-braham Lincoln

I don't even bother to compete with that. So, I threw on a doctor's coat left over from a show however many years ago and did the best I could muster. If asked, I was "a doctor", a "hipster doctor" (in order to justify the Uggs and knee socks), and if I was feeling really sassy "Healthcare". The latter shut people up. The former resulted in direct "WTF?" comments.

It was not impressive so there are no pictures.

I convinced a crew to come out for the Cochon de Lait party a few blocks from my house. It was hosted at the Krewe de Vieux warehouse. For those who don't know, "krewes" are the social clubs that host Mardi Gras parades, and Krewe de Vieux s notorious for their political commentary themes through vulgar presentations. So don't judge me for the following two shots. They were some of the more tame ones available.
Fun Fact: Krewe de Vieux had John Goodman's character in "Treme" as a member.

Not for the super-feminista friendly.

One of the bonuses of living where I do, people do not have to be cajoled to come visit. Especially not to a pig roast, live music show, and then drum line to Frenchmen in a cool venue, no less.

This was my posse for part 1 of the evening.

During the party, people got restless and wanted to leave before the drum-line did. I followed suit despite my love for bare bones rhythm. 

Reporting for duty, sir!

I had to go to the bathroom, so I doubled back on the walk to Frenchmen to avoid doing the pee pee dance in a crowd of hundreds. Lesson learned: you separate from the herd there is no catching back up.

Oh, the anxiety!

I ran into Mike, a LA native who I met doing comedy in NYC before he relocated back. Poor guy, he got stuck with my tipsy agoraphobia rant.

I tried to meet up with another friend who was at a bar two blocks away. Took me 20 minutes to get to the door and then this guy...


I gave up and went the other way to meet up with another friend at The John. It was much more my speed, except for the crowd with a propensity to set off fireworks.

Amateur Night at its finest

Going inside was a much better idea. Some people say The John is the place people go to end the night in despair with their dignity on the floor of the bathroom. I, however, danced my tail-feathers off and made new friends.

 Mr. McGibblets!

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